The Player is a sentient Musical Artificial Intelligence named Sound.wav whose goal is to infect the world. Fight through Malware, Firewalls, and Glitches and absorb their abilities to increase musical prowess to be downloaded by more Humans to further infect the world through Musical Combat. The game combines top-down, auto attacker gameplay with rhythmic combat and a musical theme where some enemies and abilities are tied to instruments and sound. 


● WASD: Movement

● Mouse: Aim

● 1 - 5 Num Keys: Mixer control to switch between amplification of instruments:

1. Balanced: Default mode, standard attack.

2. Bass: Area-of-effect (AOE) damage.

3. Strings: High-damage single-target attacks.

4. Brass / Woodwind: Damage-over-time (DoT) effects.

5. Synth: Crowd control (CC) abilities like slows or stuns.

● Hold Left Mouse Button: Activate Solo Ability, Releasing Left Mouse Button Cancels Solo Ability

● Hold Left Mouse Button + Input Sequence (12345): Activate solos for special abilities.


Best played in Fullscreen. 

Made in Two Weeks for Pirate Jam 16 by a Team of 5. 

Team plans to continue work after Jam is complete to include additional content. The Jam Version is a Demo and not a full example of a single Level. 


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I like the enemies and character art! There's an unique artstyle in here that I enjoyed a lot, especially with the theming and everything. I did notice that the text looks small when fullscreening the game, so it'd be cool to have the text scale be proportional to the screen size.

The gameplay concept is super interesting. It's a mix of a roguelike with Parappa the Rapper. I think this game would play really well with a controller, since it felt a bit tough to walk around with WASD to avoid enemies, whilst also using 1-5 to do the tune combos. Maybe what you guys can do is have the player be able to also use Right Click to point where the character shuold automatically walk to, so that the player can focus on the 1-5 on the keyboard side of things.

I also thought it was super dope when I realized that getting the upgrades/instrument units wwas leading into a music slowly being formed with the addition of each instrument. It feels like an idea that has a huge amount of potential.

As a matter of fact, that can be said for this entire game. These concepts are super interesting and it feels to me like they hold a lot of potential. I really like it!

 multi-tasking keyboard and mouse made this almost unplayable for me. Needs to keep it to local hand position for ease of access. Wasn't quite sure how to get the timing right and how to activate the gui which needed to be up all the time instead of only when holding down.

I already love survivor type games, but this was really cool, different, and well done. I really see this progressing into a bigger project. The audio for the instruments were so good, it really felt like I was slowly building up a beat of my own.

(2 edits)

I had hard time getting it work in full screen (2 buttons for full screen, but one of them makes it super tiny).

I know that controls are explained on the page, but I think more interactive tutorial is needed for players like me that are bit slower to understand the game.

Now on second play I realized that "song progress" is on top. That part is really hard to see on 4k Display, so if anyone else has issues, its better to set your resolution to 1080p

When you are able to read things it is actually really fun :)

It's a really cool concept but I'm sadly really bad in multitasking WASD movement, the mouse and the numbers to attack. xD I'm not sure if the rubber-band effect is planned but I kept being pulled into the middle while trying to avoid the virus. Still, cool concept and art! <3